Oh nerds. You work so hard and you are so excited about what you do. Those data! That policy! That legal brief! So hot. If you could just get people to read your FAQ, then they’ll understand. And why should you have to summarize it in an FAQ anyway? That graph on Page 5 says it all! Amiright?

Sigh. If it only that were true. But you’re getting that sinking feeling that most people don’t care – until they do, and then it’s too late. Their minds are made up in the time it takes them to retweet @RealScienceUnicorn’s misinformed opinion, along with 146.2k other people. (Why is that not a Twitter handle yet?)

It’s not personal. Everyone is busy, and most of us have an attention span that resembles the flight pattern of a gnat. But there are people like me who want your message to be heard and your story to be told. A nerd in my own right, I am among the communication professionals who know how to connect with the people you need to reach.

Over the years, I’ve learned a few things about communicating complex topics and thorny issues. This blog is a chance for me to pay it forward – to the nerds who need to be heard and the communicators who could use a little friendly support.