I’m Here for the Nerds

Oh nerds. You work so hard and you are so excited about what you do. Those data! That policy! That legal brief! So hot. If you could just get people to read your FAQ, then they’ll understand. And why should you have to summarize it in an FAQ anyway? That graph on Page 5 says it all! Amiright?

The Work: Takeaways from “Transforming Silence Into Action”

Public relations, marketing, corporate social responsibility, content strategy…. Whatever our professional specialties, as communicators, it’s our job to influence how audiences perceive the organizations we work for. We stay tuned in to what’s happening outside the organization so we can help equip executive leaders make good decisions.

2020-12-10T19:52:59-08:00September 23, 2020|Categories: Anti-Racism, Communication|
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