I’m Here for the Nerds

Oh nerds. You work so hard and you are so excited about what you do. Those data! That policy! That legal brief! So hot. If you could just get people to read your FAQ, then they’ll understand. And why should you have to summarize it in an FAQ anyway? That graph on Page 5 says it all! Amiright?

The Smoke is Gone! Effects May Linger.

When I was an undergrad, I had this brilliant idea: The Lung Brush. This handy little device would remove the burden of moderation for party people everywhere. Chain smoke all night! Then simply brush away your hacking cough when you wake up the next day – whenever and wherever that may be – and you’re ready to paint the town red all over again!

2020-12-10T19:42:23-08:00September 19, 2020|Categories: Environment, Wildfire Smoke|Tags: , , , , |
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